Hearts of Iron IV - Man the Guns (DLC)
Hearts of Iron IV - Man the Guns (DLC)
Buy Hearts of Iron IV Man the Guns now!
You will receive the key for the DLC by Paradox Interactivevia eMail within the stated delivery time.
Download Hearts of Iron IV Man the Guns for free via the Steam network.
Steam can be found here.
The original game (not included in this offer) is required to use, respectively, play the contents of the DLC.
Product description
From the convoy attacks in the Battle of the Atlantic to the fierce carrier battles on the Pacific front, the Second World War saw naval innovation in both tactics and technology.
Design your own ships and refit older models. Alter your convoy routes to avoid hungry wolf packs. Embrace or circumvent naval treaties and deal with the diplomatic consequences.
Man the Guns also introduces new alternate history paths for the major democracies of the war and gives the freedom loving nations of the world more freedom to act before the war forces their hand.
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